In 2002, Megan Leston gave birth to a baby boy at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. Unfortunately, her baby was born with a debilitating birth defect known as Cri Du Chat Syndrome that went undiscovered throughout her pregnancy due to the medical malpractice of Dr. Allison Boester.
Upon investigation, it was discovered that Dr. Boester departed from the standard of care expected from the medical profession by:
Read more: New York-Presbyterian Hospital Fails to Diagnose Rare Chromosomal Defect
As reported in Rolling Stone on the 17th of January 2018, the wife of Eagles co-founder and guitarist Glenn Fray filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Mount Sinai Hospital and the gastroenterologist who treated him.
According to Cindy Frey, Glenn’s widow, the gastroenterologist who treated Glenn was negligent when caring for him and failed to properly treat and diagnose his condition. Glenn died in January 2016 as a result of this, as he experienced complications from his rheumatoid arthritis, acute ulcerative colitis, and pneumonia. Apparently, Glenn’s gastroenterologist did not promptly and properly treat his ulcerative colitis and the other symptoms and diseases of his bowel that were presented. Additionally, he did not assess Glenn for respiratory issues, treat a notable infection, or hospitalize him promptly when he realized that something was wrong.
In March of 2016, the then lead singer of Jefferson Airplane, Marty Balin, was rushed to the emergency room at Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital due to complaints of severe chest pain. What followed was a nightmare far beyond what he could have imagined.
Doctors performed open-heart surgery, which included a triple bypass and a valve replacement that forced Balin into the intensive-care unit (ICU) for recovery – the one place in any hospital that requires the most specialized and supervised care. What doctors had failed to tell him upon admission was that the hospital was in the process of closing, and they were severely understaffed.
Read more: Jefferson Airplane Singer Disabled by Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital
In 2013, wrestler and reality TV star Hulk Hogan filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against the Laser Spine Institute and several of its surgeons in Tampa, claiming that they rendered inappropriate care that damaged his wrestling career due to them performing unnecessary surgeries on him. Additionally, the Institute used Hogan’s endorsement without his permission, prompting him to seek damages of $50 million.
Read more: Hulk Hogan Sues Spine Clinic After Undergoing Unnecessary Surgeries
Perhaps one of the most complex medical malpractice cases to come out of New York City is that of 34-year-old cable splicer, Thomas Dockery.
In 2002, Thomas suffered a grand mal seizure in his sleep and was rushed to Peninsula Hospital in Far Rockaway, New York. His CT scan was interpreted as normal; however, an MRI interpreted two days later showed a lesion known as a glioma, which is a central nervous system tumor. Thomas was referred to Dr. Chris Overby of Peninsula Hospital, a neurosurgeon who agreed that he had a glioma. A second opinion was obtained from Dr. Philip Gutin of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Hospital in Manhattan, who also agreed that Thomas had a glioma and scheduled a surgery for 13 days later.
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