Approximately 1 of every 3 babies in the United States is delivered by cesarean section, accounting for about 1.3 million each year. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), roughly 33% of women in the US. had a cesarean delivery in 2011. The rate of c-sections in the country has increased by nearly 60% since 1996. In 2014, the cesarean delivery rate was 32.3% of all births.
C-sections are routine procedures, but as with other types of surgery, it has its own risks and there can be a number of complications. Most medical professionals have the experience and equipment to handle cesarean section complications in case they arise. However, there are cases where the mother or child is harmed unnecessarily.
Planned and Unplanned Cesarean Sections
There are two types of c-sections - planned and unplanned. Before delivery, the doctor may decide that a c-section is required to keep the baby or mother safe. Also, complications can arise even in a normal delivery, which requires for the doctor to perform an unplanned c-section.
A Few Common Reasons for Unplanned Cesarean Sections
Common Reasons for Planned Cesarean Section
Filing a Claim for C-section Complication
If our doctor's negligence caused injury to you or your baby, you may be eligible to file a medical malpractice claim against the doctor or hospital where the c-section was performed. There are four legal requirements you must meet, known as burden of proof. You will have to prove:
You should get all copies of your medical records, as well as any other documentation related to your delivery. After reviewing your documents and speaking with you, your attorney will be able to determine if there is sufficient evidence to file a medical malpractice lawsuit.
America's most Exceptional Law Firm in America's Biggest City is RMFW Law
If you or your baby has been injured in a cesarean section complication, you should immediately consult one of the many medical malpractice attorneys at the Rosenberg, Minc, Falloff, & Wolff law firm. The first meeting is free.
We know how to win cases. We have been doing it for years. Call up RMFW Law - we want to see if your case is viable. What do you have to say? What is your side of the story? We know how to win these types of cases. We know how to start this process and what is required. We look forward to hearing from you.
122 East 42nd Street Suite 3800
New York, NY 10168
Tel: 212-LAWYERS
Tel: 212-697-9280
8900 Sutphin Blvd Suite 501
Queens, NY 11435
Tel: (718) 399-3100
*By Appointment Only